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X - Feed
200L Feed platen pump

Centron barrel supply system and pumps deliver medium to high viscosityfluid directly from original packaging barrel to transfer station or meteringsystem to avoid the risks associated with secondary packaging or transferring

Product Advantages
Long-lasting cycle
Innovatlve structure deslgn
Long maintenance perlod
Precise positioning
Posltloning deslgn to
easyInstallatlon and malntenance
Multi Displacement
Avallable to meet high
DuraTec wear-reslstance
technology asoptlonal to apply to high abraslve andfllling materlal and extend llfetlme
Easy to install
Easy install and malntenanceto
reduce down tlme
Structure Introduction
Technical Specifications
One component
One component
Drum Size
20 | 50 | 200L
Piston Pump Displacement
125 | 210 | 250 | 500cc
Piston Pump Material
Standard | Wear-resistance
Plan Acquisition
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